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Programming on Android Devices

Programming on Android Devices

If you are an aspiring programmer who wants to code on the go, you might be wondering how I can do programming on Android device either be a tablet or smartphone. Programming on Android devices can be challenging, it is difficult to find a way for software development on android devices. Here, in this blog post I will share with you some of the methods that might be helpful whether you want to learn a new language, practice your skills, or work on a project.

VS code for web

VSCode web is a browser-based version of the popular code editor that lets you edit and run code from anywhere. It's great for working on projects on the go, or for collaborating with others online. But what if you don't have a laptop or a desktop computer handy? What if you only have an Android tablet? Well, you can still use VSCode web with a few simple steps. Here's how:

  1. Open your Android tablet's browser and go to https://vscode.dev/. This will launch VSCode web in your browser.
  2. Tap on the menu icon (three horizontal lines) at the top left corner of the screen and select "Open Folder". This will let you browse your tablet's files and folders and choose a folder to work on.
  3. Tap on the folder that you want to open and then tap on "OK". VSCode web will load the files and folders in that folder and display them in the explorer pane on the left.
  4. You can now edit and run code as you normally would in VSCode. You can use the terminal, the debugger, the extensions, and all the other features that VSCode web offers.
  5. To save your changes, tap on the menu icon again and select "Save All". This will save all your modified files to your tablet's storage.

GitHub Codespace

GitHub Codespace is a cloud-based development environment that lets you code from anywhere, using any device. It's like having a powerful computer in your pocket. GitHub Codespace is not only convenient, but also fast and secure. It runs on a virtual machine that is dedicated to my project. It has a fast SSD storage and a high-performance CPU. It also has built-in security features, such as encryption, authentication, and firewall. You don't have to worry about losing your data or exposing it to hackers.

Programming via android apps

There are many apps on play store which can be used to do programming. Here are some of the best apps for programming on Android tablets that you can try today.


This app lets you develop Android apps using Java and Kotlin. You can create, edit, run, and debug your code on your device. It also has a built-in tutorial system that teaches you how to create apps from scratch.


This app is a mobile coding IDE that supports over 50 languages. You can write, compile, and run your code on your device. It also has a code playground where you can test your code snippets and challenges where you can compete with other coders.


This app is a learning platform that offers courses on various programming languages and topics. You can watch videos, read articles, take quizzes, and earn certificates. You can also interact with other learners and mentors in the community.


This app is a Python IDE that lets you write and run Python code on your device. You can use libraries like NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, and more. You can also create GUIs with Tkinter and Kivy.


If you are a developer who likes to code on the go, you might have wondered if you can run vscode on your android tablet. To achieve this, you can use the app termux. This app is a terminal emulator that gives you access to a Linux environment on your device. You can install packages, run scripts, and use command-line tools. You can also customize your terminal with themes and plugins.

That's all for today. Thanks for reading my blog post. Let me know what you think of Programming on Android devices in the comments below. Happy coding!

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